‘Inclusive Emergency’ project


From 3rd to 5th December, the kickoff meeting of the European project ‘Inclusive Emergency’ took place in Alcala de Guadaira (Spain). Disability experts and firefighters from four countries -Denmark, Spain, Finland and Slovenia- participated in the meeting.

This thirty-month project -December 2019 to May 2022- aims to develop the first open and multilingual e-learning platform for firefighters on emergency planning and response when involving individuals with disabilities. The e-learning platform will be accessible from computers, tablets and smartphones and it will include the following modules:

Module 1: Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Module 2: Visual and Hearing impairment.
Module 3: Physical impairment.
Module 4: Mental impairment.

In first meeting of the project, the delegates from the eight partner organisations established the guidelines for the development of the e-learning platform, reviewed the programme of work for the next thirty months of the project and distributed the tasks according to each partner expertise. We also had the opportunity to visit the local fire station and learn more about Alcala de Guadaira Fire and Rescue Service.

The first development of the e-learning platform is completed in august 2020, the project partners will test it with firefighters from four countries to assess how effective it is in delivering the target learning outcomes. Based on the testing results, the project partners will implement the necessary improvements before the final publication of the e-learning platform, in May 2022, in five languages -English, Danish, Spanish, Finnish and Slovenian- under a Creative Commons license. Thus allowing anyone to freely use it, modify it and build upon.

The project ‘Inclusive Emergency’ is an initiative of Frederiksborg Fire and Rescue Service (Denmark) in collaboration with: Southwest Emergency Services (Finland), Fire and Rescue service Kranj (Slovenia), Alcala de Guadaira Fire and Rescue Service (Spain), Marcelino Champagnat Foundation (Spain), The Slovenian Fire Protection Association (Slovenia), Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and Autism Denmark (Denmark). The ‘Inclusive Emergency’ project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Research group: Clinical expertise in health care

Ville Vainio, full-time teacher, project leader, MNSc
Lasse Putko, lecturer, project manager, MNSc
Mari Tauriainen, Project advisor, MA